category: ai + big data + data analytics

Natural Language Processing Platform

When launched Q-Deep-NLP was among the most advanced, user-friendly Machine Learning-based Natural Language Processing solutions in the world. Capable of replacing most human intensive document based workflows, Q-Deep-NLP was built using Qlytics’ NLP framework and leveraging a simple open-source Document Query Language (DQL) developed and supported by Qlytics. Q- Deep-NLP provides even non-technical users the ability to perform complex, large-scale NLP tasks with ease.

Q-Deep-NLP is a web-based text reading and analysis environment for Document Intelligence. It is designed to make it easy for you to work with your own text or collection of texts in PDF, JPG, PNG or in a variety of formats.

Q-Deep-NLP was designed and developed under the leadership of Brendan Reilly, co-founder and CTO of Qlytics. Brendan served as the platform architect, and project led on the end-to-end development and launch of the platform. The documentation linked here was also written by Brendan.

The platform was used by Brendan to support projects at S&P, Moody’s, New York Stock Exchange, and many others.